Military Community Services

Copiah-Lincoln Community College acknowledges the high level of commitment our military personnel have devoted to their country. We can assist prospective and current military-related students in application, registration, financial aid, and other college processes whether a person is using military-related benefits or not. Veterans who are attending college after a period of active duty in the armed forces may be eligible to receive undergraduate college credit. Graduating veterans also receive an honor cord whether using military-related benefits or not.

In accordance with Mississippi Code Section 37-103-25, Copiah-Lincoln Community College shall charge tuition at the in-state tuition rate for a student who is a veteran as defined by Title 38 of the United States Code, or a person entitled to education benefits under Title 8 of the United States Code.

Cost of Attendance 2024-25

Each campus has someone dedicated to providing you assistance. We have an open-door policy, and you don’t need an appointment to see us. Contact one of the three campuses below:

  • Wesson Campus: 601.643.8490
  • Natchez Campus: 601.446.1100
  • Simpson Co. Center: 601.849.0122

Federal Tuition Assistance Programs:

Marine Corps

Marine Tuition Assistance is available for all active duty and active reserve Marines. Each member receives $4500 per fiscal year. All requests must be submitted before September 15. Click here for more information.


There are two programs available to eligible Service Members to fund off-duty education: Tuition Assistance (TA) and Navy College Program for Afloat College Education (NCPACE). Both programs pay up to 100% of tuition charged by educational institutions for course enrollments. Click here for more information.

Mississippi National Guard

As a member of the National Guard, you can receive substantial education benefits. Federal Tuition Assistance, tuition and fee reimbursement, the Montgomery G.I. Bill, student loan repayment, SEAP, and more. State Education Assistance Program

The Mississippi National Guard State Educational Assistance Program (SEAP) is an education incentive for eligible members of the Mississippi National Guard for education assistance at MS supported/accredited colleges at the junior and senior levels. SEAP may only be used towards the first undergraduate degree or technical certificate. Funds may be combined with FTA, GI Bill (excluding Ch. 33), grants, scholarships, or any other funding received by the student. There is a 10-Year window from the first payment made until the expiration of SEAP eligibility. **SEAP funding is allocated through the State Legislative process. All funds and amounts are subject to availability. 

Vocational Rehabilitation from the VA

The VA determines the eligibility of service people who need vocational rehabilitation to overcome impairment to their ability to prepare for employment. Contact Vocational Rehabilitation in Jackson at 601.364.7113. For questions call:

ArmyIgnitED Tuition Assistance

Must be approved by an education counselor prior to the class start date for classes with a start date of July 24, 2014 or after. Soldiers must input their TA requests as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days before the course start date. For additional information and to apply go to

VA Education Benefits:
