Tutoring & Resources


Students Obtaining Academic Rewards

TRIO Student Support Services

What is Students Obtaining Academic Rewards?

Students Obtaining Academic Rewards (SOAR) is a student support services program at Co-Lin’s Natchez Campus, made possible by a TRIO grant funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program is designed to provide academic support services to improve academic performance and increase retention, graduation, and transfer rates of eligible students.

Which services are available?

SOAR participants benefit from a number of support services at no cost. Services include:

  • Personal, academic, and career counseling
  • Academic tutoring
  • Academic advising
  • Peer mentoring
  • Financial aid assistance
  • Financial and economic literacy education
  • Transfer assistance
  • Academic success skills and personal development workshops
  • University campus tours
  • Cultural enrichment events and activities
  • Grant aid

How do I join SOAR?

Check your eligibility. To meet federal eligibility requirements, you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the U.S.
  • Be a student at Co-Lin – Natchez Campus.
  • Demonstrate a need for academic assistance
  • Meet one of the following criteria:
    • Be a first-generation college student (neither parent has earned a baccalaureate degree)
    • Meet income guidelines (family’s taxable income does not exceed levels set by federal government)
    • Have a documented disability.
  • Complete an application
  • Complete and submit an application (PDF) for services

Do you need additional information or assistance?

Copiah-Lincoln Community College
11 Co-Lin Circle
Natchez, MS 39120
601.446.1294 (fax)

The Write Place

The Writing Center offers free, interactive, one-on-one writing consultations for students wanting to improve their writing skills. Located on the Wesson Campus in the Dow/Young Building Room 127, The Writing Center can help during any stage of the writing process. In general, instructors help you understand your writing assignments, brainstorm ideas, and get started on drafts, examine drafts in progress for strengths and weaknesses, and make plans for revising and improving your work. All students are encouraged to take advantage of this resource.

To make an appointment with the Writing Center, either follow the link below:

Link: bit.ly/colinwriteplace

Writing Center hours are Monday through Thursday from 1–3 p.m.

For additional writing tips, you can also visit this online resource: Guide to Grammar
