Student Discipline

The administration of Copiah-Lincoln Community College recognizes the right of each student to a fair hearing with regard to any student grievance.

To ensure the protection of the rights of every student in disciplinary matters, Copiah-Lincoln Community College has established the Judicial Council. In all disciplinary matters every student has the right to appeal the decision of college personnel before this Council. Students have three days in which to make a decision to accept or reject the disciplinary procedures. Appeals must be in writing. A hearing is not required, but in cases not heard by the Council, the student must sign a waiver refusing the right to a hearing. Upon signing this waiver, the student accepts the decision of the college personnel.

The Judicial Council shall be composed of the following members: three (3) students, three (3) faculty members, and three (3) administrative officers. The three students shall be the president of the Student Government Association, the president of the freshman class, and the president of the sophomore class. The vice president of each of the three listed groups shall serve as alternates. These three alternates may attend all meetings of the Council, but they may vote only upon the absence of the respective president. Should a hearing be required at any time, and the freshman and sophomore officers have not been elected, the officers of the Student Government Association shall serve in the following order: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer; so that a total of three students is serving. At the pre-school faculty meeting, the total faculty shall elect by popular vote, three (3) faculty members and a first and second alternate to serve on the Council. The alternates may attend all meetings of the Council in a non-participatory capacity but may vote only upon the absence of one or more of the regular members. If one regular member is unable to attend, both alternates shall be contacted. Prior to the first meeting of the Judicial Council, the President of Copiah-Lincoln Community College shall appoint three (3) administrative officers and three alternates, not to include the Dean of Student Services or the Assistant Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center, to serve on the Council. In the event of absences at a meeting of the Council, even after notification of alternates or absences by members without notification to the Chairman at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the meeting, a total of any five (5) members shall constitute a quorum and the meeting of the Council shall be valid and binding. Alternates may be substituted if a case pertains to an area of their particular expertise.

After the Judicial Council has been completely constituted, the Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center shall elect one member of the Council to serve as Chairman. The Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center shall instruct the Chairman as to the policies and procedures. The Chairman shall vote only in the event of a tie among the other members.

In the event that a student member of the Council is involved in a hearing of the Council as either defendant or witness, the member shall be ineligible to serve on the Council for that hearing and an alternate shall replace said member.

For all hearings before the Judicial Council, the Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center or their designated representative shall present the charges against the student and the evidence to support the charges.

After hearing all evidence and information pertinent to the case in question, the Judicial Council shall deliberate in executive session. Only the constituted members of the Council shall be present during these deliberations. It shall be the responsibility of the Council to decide, (1) guilt or innocence of the accused, and (2) the sanctions to be levied by the institution if a guilty decision is rendered. A majority of the members present at the hearing shall be sufficient to determine guilt or innocence. In the event that expulsion, dismissal or suspension is the sanction levied, a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present shall be required.

The decision of the Council shall be relayed in writing to the Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center by the Chairman of the Council. The Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center, shall in turn, relay the decision in writing to the student. It shall be the responsibility of the Assistant Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center to enforce all decisions of the Judicial Council.

A summary of all facts pertinent to each case heard by the Judicial Council shall be prepared by the Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center and relayed to the President of Copiah-Lincoln Community College.

The accused student may appeal the decision of the Judicial Council to the President of CopiahLincoln Community College. A student wishing to appeal must notify the Dean of Student Services (Wesson Campus), Vice President of the Natchez Campus or Vice President of the Simpson County Center in writing within three (3) days after a decision has been rendered by the Council. Should a student request an appeal, the parents and/or guardians of the student shall be notified of the action. In all appeal hearings before the President, the Chairman of the Judicial Council, or the Chairman’s designated representative shall represent the Council.

The following policies, procedures, and rights shall be in effect for all cases heard by the Judicial Council:

  1. The student shall be notified at least three (3) days in advance of the hearing, except when by mutual agreement, the time of the hearing and the date the hearing, the place of the hearing, a statement of the charges to be brought against the student, the right to have witnesses in the student’s behalf at the hearing, and the student’s right to appeal.
  2. All individuals appearing at the hearing will be asked to sign a statement attesting to the truth of their statement made before the Council.
  3. The charges against the student shall be read before the Council in the presence of the student.
  4. The student will be asked to plead “guilty or not guilty” to the charges.
  5. The evidence against the student shall be presented to the Council in the presence of the student.
  6. The student shall be allowed to present his/her evidence and the witnesses in his/her behalf.
  7. The decision of the council shall be transmitted to the student in writing.
  8. The decision of the Council may be appealed to the President of Copiah-Lincoln Community College.
