Student Loan Repayment

Student Loan Payments Has Restarted

Co-Lin is committed to keeping you updated with changes to the student loan program.

If you haven’t heard that COVID-19 payment pause has ended, student loan payments have restarted.

Your first payment is due in October 2023. You’ll get your bill, with your payment amount and due date, at least 21 days before your due date.

Student loans are complicated and, even under normal circumstances, it’s easy to get confused about the responsibilities and options. Copiah-Lincoln Community College wants to make sure every borrower gets the most up-to-date and accurate information.

That’s why we’ve partnered with Student Connections to provide additional support. Their Borrower Advocates can help answer any questions you have and address any issues you encounter with the process with repayment of student loans. This service is completely free to you.

Support You Can Trust

ED continues to warn borrowers to beware of scam attempts to take advantage of them. If you are unsure if an offer is legitimate or have questions, a Student Connections Borrower Advocate can help.

You may contact them directly Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ET at 866.311.9450.

Additional Help with Student Loan Repayment

With 42 million borrowers potentially qualifying, it may be difficult to reach someone to get answers. That’s where Student Connections can help!

Co-Lin has partnered with Student Connections to make sure every borrower receives help with any concerns about your remaining balance to navigate and prepare for payments. This service is completely free to you.

Student Connections Borrower Advocates can help answer any questions you have and determine what steps you need to take.

While you are in student loan repayment, Student Connections may contact you through emails, text messages and phone calls to:

  • Help you understand your loan obligations and responsibilities.
  • Discuss available options for an affordable repayment plan.
  • Ensure you are aware of repayment options during financial hardships.
  • Promote your long-term repayment success.

These advocates are available to answer questions about your outstanding loans and, when appropriate, work with you and your loan servicer. Visit Student Connections or talk to a borrower advocate for free at 866.311.9450.

Who is Student Connections?

Student Connections is passionate about helping students. They partner with schools to provide support for borrowers throughout the student loan repayment process. With more than 60 years of experience in counseling student loan borrowers, their primary goal is to help establish the best repayment plan for you.

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Please see the website below to enter a repayment plan or if you need a fresh start for loans that are in default.
