Student Employment

What is workstudy?

The work-study program provides on-campus jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay education expenses. Positions are available in various locations on campus.

How much will I make?

Your work-study wages will be $9.00 per hour for federal work-study and for institutional work-study.  The school will pay you directly at least once a month during the fall and spring terms and every two weeks for the summer term.

Can I work as many hours as I want?

No. The amount you earn cannot exceed your total workstudy award. Awards can range from 30 – 40 hours per month.  When awarding work-study, all financial aid (scholarships, loans, grants, etc.) is considered.  Not everyone who applies will qualify.

How do I apply for workstudy?

You must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. You must also complete an application for workstudy. You can download an application by clicking the link below.  Incomplete applications will not be considered.  Don’t forget to sign your application before returning.

The priority deadline for the workstudy program is April 1. This means that those students who have all of their paperwork complete (FASFA and workstudy application) and on file by this date will receive first consideration of available positions.  There are always more applicants than positions available.

After submitting the FAFSA, you then need to complete the Workstudy Application form here.

CONTACT: If you have any questions, please call 601.643.8465.
