Other Scholarship Resources

Get2College (G2C) is a college access program of the Woodward Hines Education Foundation that has a vast multitude of information pertaining to Mississippi colleges and careers along with a free scholarship search tool that can be accessed at get2college.org/scholarships.

Financial Aid Research Through the WEB (FastWEB) is the largest free scholarship search on the internet. FastWEB’s database is composed of over 400,000 scholarships. You can access FastWEB at fastweb.com. FastWEB will lead you through a series of questions about yourself, ranging from heritage to career objectives to student activities.

You should set aside at least 10 minutes to go through the entire profile and be sure to answer all of the questions to the best of your ability. If you obtain scholarships through this web service or have any questions or comments about FastWEB, please contact FastWEB via email at webmaster@fastweb.com. We wish you luck in your search for financial aid through this source.

AMERICORPS offers a choice of thousands of real opportunities to help others in need. Check out their website for scholarship opportunities.

MG JAMES URSANO SCHOLARSHIP FUND is administered by the Army Emergency Relief (AER). It is the objective of the AER to ensure all Army families are made aware of this scholarship that is for dependent children of Army soldiers. Visit their website to apply for this scholarship online.

Mississippi Vocational Rehabilitation provides assistance for students with disabilities. For information on this agency, you will need to call 601.853.5100.

Check the following local sources for scholarship information.

  • The company for which the student or parent works
  • Civic clubs and/or organizations
  • Clubs to which the student or parent belongs
  • Various businesses and/or industries in your area
  • Local chamber of commerce
