What is eLearning?
eLearning is the use of technology to learn anywhere and anytime. It is an instructional delivery method that does not require the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor. Historically, distance education meant correspondence. Today, audio, video, and computer technology are more common delivery modes.
eLearning students should:
- Have proficient computer skills, including the use of email and the internet
- Take initiative and be self-reliant and self-motivated
- Have self-discipline and be able to follow written directions
- Actively participate and complete assignments and the proctored exam before the due date
- Make time to study
- Address any difficulties with the instructor as soon as the need arises
Steps for eLearning Students
- If you are not a current Copiah-Lincoln Community College student, you will need to complete an application for admission to the college. Please review the admission requirements.
- Make an appointment with your advisor to select your courses. (Please contact the Enrollment Services Office if you do not know your advisor).
- If needed, complete your financial aid application. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information.
- If you meet the admissions requirements or have clearance by Enrollment Services, please meet with your advisor or a counselor to help with registration.
- Order your textbooks at least two weeks before classes start. Some courses may require eBooks that will be automatically available the first day of class and billed to your account. If you have questions about your textbook, please contact your instructor or one of the Co-Lin Bookstores.
- Make sure you access your courses the first day of class and check your Co-Lin email. Your Co-Lin email is your primary email address for all correspondence.
- See our tuition & fees for tuition and the nonrefundable MSVCC fee.
eLearning Class Offerings & Registration
NOTE all courses may not be available to be taken through Co-Lin.
See Co-Lin’s tuition and fees for tuition and the nonrefundable MSVCC fee.
To view a list of courses that are being offered online, you may visit MyPack. Please be sure to filter for the correct semester and term (VCC). In order to self-register through MyPack, you will have to be Web Authorized by your advisor. If you have any questions, please contact the eLearning Department at elearning@colin.edu or call 601.643.8619.
Another way to view the available courses that will be offered online is to visit https://sbcjcweb.sbcjc.cc.ms.us/ET/selfservice/. This page displays all the courses statewide, so please be sure to filter to the correct semester and site (Copiah-Lincoln).