Non-MSVCC Proctored Testing

Copiah-Lincoln Community College offers proctoring services at each campus location for students who need to take web-based or paper exams.

  • $20 nonrefundable, nontransferable fee for minimum two-hour limit per exam
  • Additional $10 charge per hour after two-hour time limit
  • Payment required at least 24 hours in advance
  • Appointments scheduled at least one week in advance
  • Photo ID required
  • Students MUST provide a stamped envelope for paper exams to be mailed via USPS
  • Only students who are testing are allowed in the testing facilities. Non-student and/or minor children are not permitted in the testing facility and should not be allowed to wait unsupervised outside of the testing facility.

Proctor Locations

  • Wesson Campus Assessment Center: 601.643.8636
  • Natchez Campus Library: 601.446.1107
  • Simpson County Center Library: 601.849.0119

Proctor approval/agreement forms should be sent to proctor via the respective campus.

Students must complete the Application for Examination prior to scheduling an appointment.

Pay via phone or in person in the Business Office.

*Copy of receipt will be required in order to take exam

Business Office phone numbers:

Steps for Proctored Testing

  1. Complete the Application for Examination for each exam and submit to proctor at respective campus location.
  2. Make payment to the Business Office in person or via telephone. The cost is $20 non-refundable, non-transferable fee for a 2-hour test limit. Tests that are more than 2 hours will be charged an additional $10 per hour after the 2-hour time limit. The charge will be based on the maximum amount of time allowed for the test. Example: A test that has a 1-hour limit would be charged the minimum $20. A test that has a 5-hour limit would be charged $50. Payment is required at least 24 hours in advance, and your receipt is required for the examination to be administered.
  3. After you submit the Application, you may schedule an appointment to test with the selected campus. We recommend at least a week in advance.
  4. Co-Lin does not pay for postage to mail tests. Students must provide a self-addressed return envelope with return postage.
  5. You must bring a valid photo ID to the test.
  6. You must follow the guidelines and policies of your institution and Co-Lin.

Application is available here: Non-CLCC/Non-MSVCC Student Testing Application
