Course Withdrawals

January 8-Week Course Withdrawal

Last day to withdraw from January 8-Week Course is Friday, February 28

January 15-Week Course Withdrawal

Last day to withdraw from January 15-Week Course is Friday, April 4

If you already have a Spring 2025 schedule and need to make changes, please complete this form:

Co-Lin’s Refund Policy

Spring & Fall semesters:

Students who withdraw from college or drop a course without adding another are USUALLY refunded tuition and room rent according to the full-time status on the following schedule:

  • First calendar week, 75% of tuition
  • Second calendar week, 50% of tuition
  • Third calendar week, 25% of tuition
  • After the third calendar week, no refund

Refunds are made only when a student has officially dropped a course or has officially withdrawn from school.

Summer and Short Term:

NO REFUND after the first class meeting.
