Business and Office Technology (W, N, S)

The Business and Office Technology program offers training in Windows, Web Design: Expression Web, QuickBooks, and Microsoft Office 2010: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook. Business Office Technology is made up of four different degree options that teach the theory and practical applications necessary for employment in business and industry, governmental agencies and professional areas. It exposes students to office career options, which involve the management of people and equipment resources, as well as an opportunity to recognize the relationship between worker and supervisor.

Requirements for all program options:

1.  Must meet all general admission requirements set forth by Co-Lin
2.  Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 14
3.  BOT 1013 Keyboarding or equivalent is strongly recommended
4.  MS-CPAS exam required upon exit. (MS-CPAS Exam Description) <Not Working

Accounting Technology (W, N, S)

The Accounting Technology Program is offered on all three campuses and prepares students for entry-level accounting positions in accounts payable, accounts receivables, payroll and inventory as well as enhances the skills of persons currently employed in accounting who wish to advance in their field. The program provides a foundation for students transferring to a four-year college or university to pursue a specialized degree in the field of accounting.

Special Admission Requirements

1.  Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 14

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Administrative Office Technology (W, N, S)

The Administrative Office Technology Program is offered on all three campuses and is designed to prepare and train students for entry-level positions in administrative office procedures, integrated computer applications, business financial systems, communication, accounting clerks, records clerk, transcriptions, word processing specialist and to fill other positions requiring computer skills such as database management, web design, and database publishing.

Special Admission Requirements

1.  Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 14

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Business Management Technology (W, N, S)

The Business Management Technology Program is offered on all three campuses and provides students with a relevant professional management education and effective approaches to technology, entrepreneurship, human resources, and management information. The student will develop skills in innovative aspects of technology and business management with an emphasis on project-based learning and field examples.

Special Admission Requirements

1.  Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 14

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Healthcare Data Technology (W, N, S)

The Healthcare Data Technology program is offered online and is designed to prepare students to work in office positions in hospitals, doctor’s offices, health clinics, and other health-related organizations. The student will develop skills using medical terminology, electronic health records, and computer software applications.

Special Admission Requirements

1.  Must have a minimum ACT composite score of 14

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