Social Science

The Social Science Division covers a broad-based area that ranges from Criminal Justice to Social Work. The social sciences are academic disciplines concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and individuals. They include anthropology, economics, geography, history, political science, psychology, social studies, and sociology.

Click on the MATT Tool for specific program information for the eight Mississippi public universities.

Concentration Options

*Can be completed online

Criminal Justice

Those who wish to be employed with law enforcement should select this concentration. There are many career opportunities at the local, state, and federal levels.


Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Demand in the future will increase along with the complexity of society. Career options include clinical, forensic, biopsychological, industrial, and educational psychology.

Paralegal Studies

Students who choose Paralegal Studies will be able to aid attorneys in delivering legal services more efficiently. Many in the pre-law area select this major. Private law firms, businesses, and government offices hire legal assistants.

Political Science

The Political Science major is designed to prepare the student for government service at the local, state, and national levels. Some students use this concentration as a background for law school. Other career opportunities include teaching in international service.


Law schools require a bachelor’s degree before a person can be admitted. The American Bar Association and law schools do not recommend a specific concentration for pre-law programs. However, traditional concentrations for pre-law students have been business, political science, paralegal studies, history, etc.

Social Work

Professional social workers are trained to help people cope with the stresses of life, such as child or spousal abuse, depression, and physical or emotional disabilities. Career opportunities include teaching, social work, care management, coordination of geriatric services, and many more areas of service.


The study of history is a present-day exercise that gives us an understanding of how we came to be what we are. Career opportunities include education, diplomatic and government work, and archival management. History is also a possible background for pursuing a career in law or the ministry.


Sociology is the scientific study of society and human behavior. There is an increasing demand for this concentration. Career opportunities include teaching, criminology, child and family services, personnel management, government and public affairs management, and other areas requiring interpersonal relations. Anthropology and archaeology involve studying the human experience from time periods that predate written history. Anthropological interests range from the study of physical variation present in the fossil record to the reconstruction of past ways of life to modern variations in language, culture, and society. Co-Lin offers a critical foundation for pursuing a major in Sociology and/or Anthropology at four-year institutions.

Clubs and Organizations

Leadership Opportunities

  • Phi Theta Kappa: PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges, promoting scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among students. Membership is by invitation only. Each campus has a chapter: Wesson Campus – Eta Omega, Natchez Campus – Alpha Alpha Zeta, and Simpson County Campus – Beta Xi Psi.
  • Student Government Association: SGA serves as the legislative body for all students. Officers are elected to their positions. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
  • Trailblazers: Trailblazers are the hospitality and recruiting group that takes part in many activities at Co-Lin. Students become Trailblazers through an application process. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
