
The goal of the Science Division is to prepare students in a wide variety of science professions including pre-professional fields. This division is focused on providing a quality experience through lectures and required laboratory practices that rival university instruction while having smaller class sizes. Each instructor is well versed in his or her area of instruction and extremely helpful in providing information and guidance to students transitioning to the next level.

Co-Lin has high acceptance rates of graduates into ALL professional programs and outstanding transfer programs. Our class sizes are small, we have hands-on laboratories that have high quality equipment, and we routinely use computer-assisted instruction (CAI). Our faculty are available during office hours and are willing to help any student who seeks assistance.

The Science Division encompasses a range of sciences from biological sciences to human anatomy and physiology to chemistry to agricultural science to physical science to physics and more. The curriculum provides a strong background in science and prepares students for professional programs such as nursing school (ADN or BSN), pre-med, pre-physical therapy, pre-occupational therapy, and pre-veterinary to name a few. Other opportunities include STEM fields of engineering, biomedical science, and polymer science. The college’s Career-Technical Division also offers programs in health sciences and human sciences.

In addition, the Science Division seeks to employ qualified students (through the college’s work study program) as student laboratory assistants for various biological, chemical, and physics laboratories. If you are interested in seeing if you qualify for one of these positions, call 601.643.8490.

The University of West Alabama has a Partnership Pathway with Co-Lin for students to work towards a bachelor’s in Exercise ScienceGeneral Health Sciences, or Sports Management or a master’s degree in Athletic TrainingPhysical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physician Assistant including up to 15 hours of co-enrolled course work. See your academic advisor for more details.

Click on the MATT Tool for specific program information for the eight Mississippi public universities.

Concentration Options:

Clubs and Organizations

  • Alpha Omega Science Club
  • Seawolf Underwater Robotics Engineering Team – The Seawolves are the state’s only community college competitive robotics team. We strive to integrate students from the academic and career-technical schools by designing an underwater robot for international competition. Students gain skills in machining, CAD, electronics, engineering, and marketing. The Seawolves are open to all students.
  • Science Quest – A seven county high school biology, chemistry, and physics competition held each spring on the college’s Wesson Campus.
  • Outdoor Lab – This native meadow with over 50 identified trees is located on the Oswalt Nature Trail on the Wesson Campus.

Leadership Opportunities

  • Phi Theta Kappa: PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges, promoting scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among students. Membership is by invitation only. Each campus has a chapter: Wesson Campus – Eta Omega, Natchez Campus – Alpha Alpha Zeta, and Simpson County Campus – Beta Xi Psi.
  • Student Government Association: SGA serves as the legislative body for all students. Officers are elected to their positions. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
  • Trailblazers: Trailblazers are the hospitality and recruiting group that takes part in many activities at Co-Lin. Students become Trailblazers through an application process. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
