The Math and Computer Science Division offers a broad range of classes in various mathematical disciplines, computer science applications, and computer programming. There are also many opportunities for our students to be involved on campus and throughout the community. The Math and Computer Science Division offers an excellent student/instructor ratio, state-of-the-art computer labs and graphic calculators, personalized student advising and transfer assistance, and a Math Tutoring Lab staffed by instructors and peer tutors.
The division offers an associate’s degree in mathematics or computer science. We also oversee the instruction of pre-engineering students. Members of the faculty are members of the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges and National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Many paths are open for rewarding careers in mathematics, computer science, and their applications, including applied mathematics in industry and government, secondary teaching because of increasing STEM emphasis in schools and working as statisticians and actuaries. Top jobs for computer science include system analyst, software developer, database administrator, computer network architect, web developer, and information systems analyst.
Click on the MATT Tool for specific program information for the eight Mississippi public universities.
Concentration Options:
Clubs and Organizations
- Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society – Mu Alpha Theta is the national high school and two-year college mathematics honor society. We are dedicated to inspiring keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in two-year college students. Two-year college students who were members of Mu Alpha Theta in high school are immediately eligible for membership. Students are also eligible if they have had at least one mathematics course at or above the college algebra/precalculus level with a 3.0 math GPA in all two-year college mathematics courses at or above the college algebra/precalculus level.
- Junior High Mathematics Competition – The Division hosts a seven-county junior high school mathematics competition each spring on the college’s Wesson Campus. There are additional computer and STEM opportunities in career-technical programs.
Leadership Programs
- Phi Theta Kappa: PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges, promoting scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among students. Membership is by invitation only. Each campus has a chapter: Wesson Campus – Eta Omega, Natchez Campus – Alpha Alpha Zeta, and Simpson County Campus – Beta Xi Psi.
- Student Government Association: SGA serves as the legislative body for all students. Officers are elected to their positions. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
- Trailblazers: Trailblazers are the hospitality and recruiting group that takes part in many activities at Co-Lin. Students become Trailblazers through an application process. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.