Health, Physical Education, and Recreation

The Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPR) Division offers the first two years of any four-year baccalaureate program related to athletic training, health, kinesiology, exercise science, physical education, coaching, or sports administration. We offer a variety of classes and opportunities. If you are not interested in the program but are interested in taking an HPR course, feel free to enroll. These courses transfer as electives.

The University of West Alabama has a Partnership Pathway with Co-Lin for students to work towards a bachelor’s in Exercise ScienceGeneral Health Sciences, or Sports Management or a master’s degree in Athletic TrainingPhysical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physician Assistant including up to 15 hours of co-enrolled course work. See your academic advisor for more details.

There are scholarship opportunities in Co-Lin’s Athletic Training program for student aides. The HPR Division offers healthy-lifestyle community opportunities not only for students, but also for the community.

Click on the MATT Tool for specific program information for the eight Mississippi public universities.

Concentration Options

* Can be completed online

Athletic Training

Athletic Training work environments can include high schools, colleges, universities, professional sports teams, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, physicians’ offices, corporate and industrial institutions, the military, and the performing arts. Regardless of their work environment, athletic trainers practice athletic training (or provide athletic training services) according to their education and state practice act. The practice of athletic training encompasses the prevention, examination, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of emergent, acute, subacute, and chronic neuromusculoskeletal conditions and certain medical conditions in order to minimize subsequent impairments, functional limitations, disabilities, and societal limitations.

The University of West Alabama has a Partnership Pathway with Co-Lin for students to work towards the newly approved master’s degree in athletic training including up to 15 hours of co-enrolled coursework. See your academic advisor for more details.

Exercise Science/Kinesiology

Exercise Science/Kinesiology provides a detailed study of the human body’s physiological response to exercise and nutrition’s effect on human performance. It also prepares students who are seeking careers as health or fitness specialists in clinical or nonclinical settings, such as cardiac rehabilitation programs, hospital wellness programs, other health and fitness programs, and health clubs, or positions as strength and conditioning coaches at high schools and universities.

The University of West Alabama has a Partnership Pathway with Co-Lin for students to work towards a bachelor’s degree in exercise science and general health sciences including up to 15 hours of co-enrolled course work. See your academic advisor for more details.

Sport Coaching

Sport Coaching education offers professional preparation to those who aspire to coach in a variety of athletic, sports, and business settings. Coaches normally occupy positions as either head or assistant coaches in public or independent schools or in the private sector as business owners or consultants. They also have opportunities in nonprofit settings such as the YMCA & Boys and Girls Clubs.

The University of West Alabama has a Partnership Pathway with Co-Lin for students to work towards a bachelor’s degree in sports management including up to 15 hours of co-enrolled course work. See your academic advisor for more details.

Clubs and Organizations

  • Wolf Pack Strong – The Wolf Pack Strong Student Health and Wellness Club works to share information about health and wellness with the campus and community while encouraging an active, healthy lifestyle.
  • Archery Wolves – Enjoying the newest competitive sport, the Archery Wolves promote fellowship among archers and allow them to improve their skills at competitions. Team scholarships are available on the Wesson Campus and the Simpson County Center.

Leadership Opportunities

  • Phi Theta Kappa: PTK is the international honor society for two-year colleges, promoting scholarship, leadership, service, and fellowship among students. Membership is by invitation only. Each campus has a chapter: Wesson Campus – Eta Omega, Natchez Campus – Alpha Alpha Zeta, and Simpson County Campus – Beta Xi Psi.
  • Student Government Association: SGA serves as the legislative body for all students. Officers are elected to their positions. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
  • Trailblazers: Trailblazers are the hospitality and recruiting group that takes part in many activities at Co-Lin. Students become Trailblazers through an application process. Organizations are on all three Co-Lin campuses.
