Vance Fellows

2024 Nominations

Nominate a teacher to be a Vance Fellow here


Since 2001, the Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration (NLCC) has awarded the William and Harriet Vance Memorial Fellowships to selected outstanding teachers.

These fellowships are given by family and friends in memory of William Jackson Vance, 1914–2001, and Harriet Mitchell Vance, 1917–1996, of Natchez, Mississippi, who were longtime supporters of Copiah-Lincoln Community College and the Natchez Literary and Cinema Celebration.

Criteria for nominees are as follows:

  1. Must be certified teachers in grades 1–12 in an accredited school in Mississippi or Louisiana chosen by a top school administrator.
  2. Must attend all or most of the NLCC the year the fellowship is awarded, including all free and ticketed events.
  3. Must return to the classroom and share with students what they learned at the NLCC.
  4. Must complete and return a conference evaluation form or write and return a one-page letter of evaluation of the conference.
