Six outstanding students named to Co-Lin Hall of Fame

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Six outstanding students named to Co-Lin Hall of Fame
Published: April 18, 2024

Copiah-Lincoln Community College’s Wesson Campus named six outstanding sophomores to the prestigious 2023-2024 Hall of Fame during the annual awards day ceremony. Induction into the college’s Hall of Fame is the highest honor bestowed on a student at Co-Lin. Inducted were Kamryn Bridges of Wesson, Gary Clark Jr. of Bogue Chitto, Colton Fuqua of Houlka, Haley McCullough of Wesson, Kortne Nelson of Brookhaven, and Baylee Zumbro of Brookhaven.

Bridges is a Taylor Presidential Scholar and was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College. She is a member of the Trailblazers, Phi Theta Kappa, Alpha Omega Science Club, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Baptist Student Union. Bridges was inducted into Co-Lin’s Honors College and was selected as a sophomore homecoming maid. She is a member of the Blue Wave Show Band Color Guard and concert band. She is the daughter of Mike and Lori Bridges of Wesson.

Clark was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College. He is a member of the Blue Wave Show Band, Concert Band, and serves as President of the band and section leader. He is a Foundation scholarship recipient and has been on both the President’s and Vice President’s List. Clark is a member of the Council of Presidents and Alpha Omega Science Club. He was elected by his peers as Mr. Copiah-Lincoln Community College. He is the son of Teresa and Gary Clark, Sr. of Bogue Chitto.

Fuqua serves as President of the Eta Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, President of the Trailblazers, and Treasurer of the Student Government Association. He was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College and is a member of Co-Lin’s Honors College, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Council of Presidents. Fuqua was voted Campus Favorite both his freshman and sophomore year. He is a member of the Men’s Tennis Team and is a student athletic trainer. He was selected to the MACCC and NJCAA All-Academic Teams. He is the son of Shawn and Paula Fuqua of Houlka.

McCullough serves as Vice President of Membership for Phi Theta Kappa and Vice President of Membership for Mu Alpha Theta. She was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College and is a member of the Wolf Pack Wellness Club. McCullough was selected as Phi Theta Kappa Officer of the Year and is on the Vice President’s List. She is the daughter of Brian and Stacey McCullough of Wesson.

Nelson was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College and is a member of the Alpha Omega Science Club and Book Club. She serves as Vice President of Scholarship for the Eta Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, Vice President of Mu Alpha Theta, and Student Government Association representative. Nelson is a member of the Blue Wave Show Band Color Guard, concert band, and choir. She was selected to the Phi Theta Kappa All-Mississippi Academic First Team and as a Coca-Cola Silver Scholar. She is the daughter of Tabitha and Demetrius Nelson of Brookhaven.

Zumbro serves as President of the Student Government Association and Vice President of the Trailblazers. She is a Foundation scholarship recipient, was selected to Who’s Who at Copiah-Lincoln Community College and is on the President’s List. She is a member of Mu Alpha Theta, Phi Theta Kappa, and the Baptist Student Union. Zumbro was selected as a sophomore homecoming maid and Campus Favorite. She is the daughter of Lee Zumbro and Lacey Zumbro of Brookhaven.

CUTLINE: Pictured from left, Co-Lin President Dr. Dewayne Middleton, Hall of Fame inductees Kamryn Bridges of Wesson, Gary Clark Jr. of Bogue Chitto, Colton Fuqua of Houlka, Haley McCullough of Wesson, Kortne Nelson of Brookhaven, Baylee Zumbro of Brookhaven, and Vice President Jackie Martin.
